11 October 2019
At 9.00 a.m. we met at the Klara-Oppenheimer-Schule to evaluate the project week, to discuss what had gone well or not so well and to express wishes for the next meeting in Valdepenas.
Afterwards there was a standing reception with a typical regional buffet. A video was also shown that summarized the project results of the first three project meetings. Furthermore, the participants of the last meetings were awarded their Europass and the schools from Valdepenas and Merano were presented with the certificate „Partners in Europe“.
At the end of the project week, Mayor Schäfer-Blake gave us a very warm welcome in the Würzburg City Hall. After she listened with great interest to our presentation of the ERASMUS+ project, she showed us the meeting room of the city of Würzburg. Even the Würzburg participants were quite impressed by the huge modern painting, which depicts the entire city history of Würzburg. Rating „absolutely worth seeing!
In the evening we met finally to let the last evening together end. But what happened there will not be published on this page.