2 February 2019: day of the open school door
The big day had come. The students, who were used in the kitchen, started to finish the 5-course Slow Food menu in the morning. For example, the ravioli were filled with artichoke cream and served with grey cheese sauce.
The students used free minutes to explore the different offers such as theme rooms for tea and hemp as well as European finger food. Teachers and students enthusiastically explained the special features of the food and the typical preparation of the country.The students presented the Erasmus project comprehensively in a specially designed room. The diverse offer was also admired by the numerous visitors, including family members, teachers, politicians and other interested parties.Around 12:30 p.m. invited guests met in the hall of Cesare Ritz.
The students of Cesare Ritz presented their skills in the kitchen as well as in service. The high standard and importance of the training became clear. The guests enjoyed the presentation of the food and drinks as well as the fine taste of the menu:
Carpaccio d’oca affurnicato e filetto di salmerino marinato
Zuppa d’orzo del contadino con ciuìga del banale
Ravioli con carciofo e patate della val Pusteria con fonduta leggera di gray cheese e pancetta croccante
Ravioli con carciofo e patate della val Pusteria con fonduta leggera di gray cheese e pancetta croccante
Grigia alpina brasata con polenta di Storo e broccolo di Torbole
Mousse di mela Smith, Sacher all’arancia, Pralina di choccolato al rosso Conero
The highlight of the day was the signing of the cooperation agreement between the Slow Food Association of South Tyrol and Cesare Ritz, represented by Maria Pascarella, Director of the Hotel Management School, and Angelo Carrillo, Fiduciario.